Basic Information

NAME: Salem Steel
AGE: 27
NAMEDAY: 16th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
GUARDIAN: Llymlaen, the Navigator
HEIGHT: 7'3"
RACE: Roegadyn
GENDER: Nonbinary Girl-ish (She/Her & He/Him)
RESIDENCE: Travels, usually in Ul'Dah or Gridania
OCCUPATION: Mercenary/Bodyguard


Salem Steel is a mixed Roegadyn who grew up in Limsa Lominsa. Her mother was Hellsguard, and her father is Sea Wolf, her appearance and name coming mostly from her mother’s side. Her mother died fairly young, however, so she was raised by her father, holding the culture and the mannerisms of a Sea Wolf. She’s a kind and down to earth person, well meaning and patient, but holding plenty of fire in battle. She’s a bit lazy, but values her responsibilities well.

Growing up, Salem’s father gave her all the time he could, spending every spare moment with his daughter, but he was a bit overly protective, reluctant to bring her out to sea. He arranged for her to be watched for and tutored by a close friend of his in the Arcanist’s Guild, wanting to see her have a decent education. She took to books well, but she was also drawn to the Wolves’ Den, often begging her father to let her spend some days there watching matches. He struck a deal with her that as long as she was impressing with her studies, she could spend her weekends however she liked.

And so, Salem quickly grew rapport with the staff and the regulars of the Wolves’ Den, and as soon as she was old enough, began partaking in fights under her father and her tutor’s noses. She was gifted, and racked up more and more wins, until her minor notoriety was too strong to go unnoticed by her dad. He was worried, of course, but still proud, and after lecturing her for lying to him, gave her his blessing. Over time she even became almost undefeated, and grew a bit too cocky in her abilities. At 22, she suffered an intense defeat, and the right half of her face was damaged and scarred, including her right eye. She was certain the opponent who dealt the blow was playing dirty, but she didn’t have proof, and knew she’d only be assumed to be a sore loser if she accused them without evidence. Instead, she took it as a lesson in humility, and decided to take some time away and see what the world held for her beyond the arena.

Currently, she moves between Ul’dah and Gridania somewhat regularly looking for work, offering her services as a bodyguard for the chance to travel and - usually - sneak a peak at whatever texts her client has with them to expand her studies. Some part of her still hopes to return to the Wolves’ Den as a gladiator, but she’s not in any particular rush.




If you're in need of a bodyguard or general hired muscle, Salem's your girl.If you frequent the Wolves' Den either as a combatant or a spectator, you might recognize Salem.If you've been affiliated with the Arcanist's Guild for some time, you might've seen Salem in her youth.


Don't hit me up if you're racist/sexist/transphobic/ableist/etc. Salem is an OC of mine adapted for FFXIV, so if for some reason she rings a bell... hi! Also I do art @Soulsludge on Tumblr/Twitter/Insta.

( Made with Carrd )